Silent Auction - Terms & Conditions
- Neither the Friends of FBS or anyone associated with the charity accept ANY responsibility or liability from the use of any of the goods or services offered in the auction nor will any compensation be payable to anyone attending or participating in the auction.
- The winning bidder must make contact with promise donor within 3 months of the auction (1st October 2016) and all prizes must be taken by the end of 2016 unless otherwise specified or separate negotiations are made.
- The highest bidder acknowledged by the designated Friends of FBS administrator shall be the purchaser.
- The Charity's decision is final.
- All promises included on this list are done so in good faith. Friends of FBS cannot be held responsible for the quality or delivery of the goods or services.
- Payment must be made in full to Friends of FBS by end of term - 9TH JULY.
- All sales are final. There will be no exchanges or refunds.